“I’d Rather Be Woven” Geri’s Flag

Flag  colored slice all my peeps 5x5 -.jpg 8.5″x 11″ Hahnemuhle Fine Photo Rag Paper, archival inks

The 4th of July is nearly here, and I was thinking about flags and what mine might look like. As a 71-year-old person, perhaps I spend more time than I used to, reflecting on what I believe is important.

What I know is that I take delight in knowing so many different flavors, textures and colors of the humans that are woven into my life. Many of my online art entries are responded to by you who live not only all over America, but also in Italy, France, Germany, Norway, England, Australia and Japan. Many of you I know as musicians, composers and artists, whose work resonates with me, and in whom I take pleasure, even though we have never met in person. Quite a few of you I have known for less than five years, and many are under the age of 30. Some I have known since my childhood in Vineland, NJ, my past employment, college experiences or some are family members or friends of family members whom I have found to be especially shiny.

I feel exceptionally blessed!!! This is what I was thinking when creating this “Flag”. It isn’t my most awesome drawing as a piece of art, but it is certainly one I delighted in creating as I thought about the beauty of you all, and your unique unrepeatable gifts to my personal history. Thanks for being!

“Red Shift”- Horizonal Album by Ben Neill

Red Shift filitered.jpg

Quote by Composer/Musician Ben Neill

It’s fascinating how well you captured the essence of this song just as you did Entre Deux, which hangs proudly in my office. I always thought of Entre Deux as a conversation which you represented visually, and the arpeggios of Red Shift always felt like spiraling, circular movement. Thanks for your great creative work, I’m glad to be a source of inspiration…and in turn to be inspired by your art!”

Rainbow in Curved Air by Terry Riley

This is truly one of my lifetime most favorite pieces of music!!  Terry Riley takes me on an extremely colorful, endlessly fascinating journey.  Unlike many of my sound inspired pieces which are usually 10 second slices of what I, as a synesthete see, this is a general gestalt of the bones of the entire  “trip”.


Linen, silk, with cotton and metallic thread & floss 42″x42″

The Hall of Mirrors In The Palace of Versailles by Terry Riley & John Cale

This represents only about 10 seconds of the 1971 “Anthrax” album recording of the wonderfully swirling, cyclical mantras of Terry Riley’s Sax, and the piano’s oceanic roll by John Cale, (famous  for his membership in the Velvet Underground).

TR JC.jpg
inen, silk with cotton and metallic thread and floss  42″x42″


Image below was the first small model for the large piece above.  Silk, cotton and metallic thread and floss, 12″x12″

John Cale & Terry Riley  Church of Anthrax Album#1 CWOW.jpg

Sound & Sense Responses of a Synesthete