Night Time Echoes



Epson Legacy Platine rag paper, archival inks 8.5″ x 11″

My reflection on 2016.      This is a graphic interpretation of the ways I see time.   The rectilinear lines and boxes represent days and months.  As part of my synesthesia, this is how time looks.   Each row is a month, the days are individual boxes. The circles are the broadly defined significant experiences I have had over the last year, and the ripples are what resonates from those experiences moving into the future. The future is behind these images in the center. I cannot as yet see how things will play out. It is in these colors as I was initially seeing this with my eyes open in a darkened room prior to its creation: a night time echo of my experiences in 2016.

We Are Transmitters


   1/3                5″ x 11″ Epson Legacy Fibre Paper,  Archival Inks 


We Are Transmitters

As we live, we are transmitters of life.

And when we fail to transmit life, life fails to flow through us.

That is part of the mystery of sex, it is a flow onwards.

Sexless people transmit nothing.

And if, as we work, we can transmit life into our work,

life, still more life, rushes into us to compensate, to be ready

and we ripple with life through the days.

Even if it is a woman making an apple dumpling, or a man a stool,

if life goes into the pudding, good is the pudding

good is the stool,

content is the woman, with fresh life rippling in to her,

content is the man.

Give, and it shall be given unto you

is still the truth about life.

But giving life is not so easy.

It doesn’t mean handing it out to some mean fool, or letting the living dead eat you up.

It means kindling the life-quality where it was not,

even if it’s only in the whiteness of a washed pocket-handkerchief.

by David Herbert Lawrence

Distressed and Distracted

Distressed and Distracted.jpg
Silk and poly on linen, linen twine, cotton and metallic thread 40″x20″

I can’t hold on to a single thought:  the murders in Orlando, world and US politics, the death of a 21 year old friend, and perhaps, what I hope is only a momentary experience of “adjustment fatigue” to change.  The bottom images in this piece are me throwing and kicking and being angry and miserable.  The top images are life flowing forward through those not touched by pain at this moment.  I experience life as liminal between a yin/ yang of tensions.

Sound & Sense Responses of a Synesthete