Noche Oscura – The Languor in the Dark Night of the Soul

Remembering my friends Adam Lee and Jason Mejia

  “There you go, swimming deeper into Mystery.  Here I remain only seeing where you used to be…….Gone from Mystery into Mystery. Gone from daylight into night. Another step deeper into darkness, closer to the light.”  Bruce Cockburn

Dark Night 1.jpg

Silk, Cotton, poly ribbon, metallic and cotton thread and floss 24″x36

2 thoughts on “Noche Oscura – The Languor in the Dark Night of the Soul”

    1. My dear Michelle, Adam was such a treasure. I only knew him for about 3 years but each encounter was so very special. His joy in living was contageous. We just liked each other from first meeting- he a vibrant young man and me in my late 60’s. (I will be 75 next month). He never seemed to notice my age – I was just one of his buddies at these yearly conferences. He was charming, funny, kind, smart, creative and a little goofy. And he always seemed pleased to get me onto the dance floor. Three of my six children are male, so I appreciate what it takes to raise a son. He was my kind of guy! You created a most special human being and should always be proud . Thank you for sharing him with us and the rest of the world. I will always hold him in the Light and send a good thought to you and yours! Grace and peace, Geri Hahn

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